What is PTSA?

The PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student Association) is a private, non-profit organization of parents, teachers, students, and community members who strive to better the lives of children. We are part of an association that is organized at the local, state, and national levels. By joining your local PTSA, you are automatically a member of the state and national associations. The PTSA is the largest child advocacy volunteer organization which speaks for the interest of all children and their safety, health, welfare, and education.

Why Join PTSA?

When you join the CCPTSA, you join a community that encourages student achievement and enriches the learning environment. We believe in building partnerships between our families and our schools. Together we can make a difference.

How Does PTSA Support Our School?

Your CCPTSA takes a multifaceted approach to supporting all children in our school. We reinforce and strengthen classroom studies by providing teachers with money for electronics and classroom materials. We coordinate volunteers for library needs, teacher assistance, copying, and other office duties.

We sponsor a variety of programs and projects including, but not limited to:

  • Spirit Week

  • Volunteer Training

  • Holiday Event

  • Fun Run

  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation

  • Family Events

  • Yearbooks

  • Otter Pops

  • And more!

What Does Your PTSA Membership Cost?

$6.00 adult, $20.00 student, $100 Business Membership. Membership is effective July to July. Please see the Join CCPTSA tab for links to become a member.

Want to partner at an event or become a sponsor? View details here.

What Do I Get With My Membership?

Your membership ensures your meaningful involvement and vote in PTSA-related activities. We encourage your attendance at our regular, general meetings. As a member, you further our child advocacy mission by helping to identify needs and concerns. Your PTSA provides a venue for you to contribute to your student’s success.

You also have access to the AZPTA and National PTA websites www.azpta.org and www.pta.org. These sites contain parenting education, advocacy information, and on-line learning tools.